Multiverse war/our purpose

This is a strange subject, but one that’s been in my mind for a long time, and one I know that at least some kin and systems can relate to.

I was thinking about how some of us have had the experience of drawing to us/being drawn to other kin and systems, much more than you would expect naturally. And combine with that, I was thinking about certain themes that recur in fiction again and again.

Ever since I was little, like 8-10 years old, I had this idea/theory/memory??? that there’s a war in the multiverse. That everywhere is in danger from this threat that’s like ‘darkness’ or ‘the nothing’ from Neverending story. This blackness that just… takes away.

And that there’s an organization beyond time and space that fights it, and part of me believes that maybe some people are kin or soulbonders because they’re tangled up in it. They’re basically ‘tapped’ to fight it again and again, under different circumstances.

This was long before Kingdom Hearts came out I’d like to say. I remember first having the idea idea as far back as maybe 1995 or so. And I was kind of wondering if it clicked with anyone else, because it really shakes me up when I think of it.And it just sort of washed over me that this was what was happening to me.

To me it makes sense to me that people who this was happening to would sort of be drawn to one another: I think it could apply to a lot of people. especially who have multiple kintypes, or  bonds.

It makes me think of those of us who feel like there’s something important we’re supposed to be doing which is something I heard a lot about in the old days- and I’m certainly one of them.

I’ve been tentatively calling it being a ‘Beacon’ in my head and a Beacon would attract fictives/soulbonds and/or other physical people who were kin/bonders.

I’ve been turning over in my head if this world is something like a ‘detox’ world, that is hard for the problem to get to, and we’re here because we’re sort of ‘benched’. Another idea I’ve seen is that it’s sort of a teaching world- a mixing ground for new and old souls.

All my life i’ve felt like there’s something I’ve been fighting. Like I was a part of something. a soldier in a way. and I think for me this is it?  at least as near as I can describe it.

I have other thoughts too but this is basically what has been on my mind.  I’m looking for people for whom this resonates with them. If anything about fighting an inter-dimensional war against darkness, through universes and lifetimes strikes a chord with you, I’m eager to hear your thoughts.

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