In case it isn’t obvious @pear-kin is not a real otherkin. They are a troll/anti-kin/parody account. Posting this because anti-kin always seem confused by parody/fake accounts.
In case it isn’t obvious @smegmakin is not a real otherkin. They are a troll/anti-kin/parody account. Posting this because anti-kin always seem confused by parody/fake…
In case it isn’t obvious @kiwi-chan-kin is not a real otherkin. They are a troll/anti-kin/parody account. Posting this because anti-kin always seem confused by parody/fake…
In case it isn’t obvious @captainbiscuitkin is not a real otherkin. They are a troll/anti-kin/parody account. Posting this because anti-kin always seem confused by parody/fake…
the blog @othercringe is a fake and a troll trying to bring a bad name to otherkin. The following is a conversation with them after…