soulbonder: Hi all. I don’t generally like to drag down this blog with drama or ‘callout’ posts, or really any kind of negativity whatsoever, but several…

Fiction kin is extremely unhealthy, not to mention disrespectful. When a person takes time and effort to bring life to a character, one whom may or may not have deep, personal ties to the creator, it’s extremely rude to take all that hard work and say “I AM THIS CHARACTER! I HAVE THEIR MEMORIES!” When no, you are not their character, you never will be. Also, what does “my canon” mean? CANON = what happens in the official publication. Not whatever the fuck happens in your crazy fucking head.

Fiction kin is extremely unhealthy,  Uh, source? [Citation Needed]. Are you a doctor? Have you discovered the link between being kin and cancer? not to…

Stopthetumblerkin, an otherkin, is screenshoting people’s about/byf and mocking them on their blog. I’m scared that they’re going to mock me. I know why non closely examined 30+ kintypes can be a problem but 1) I only have 4/5 and I pay attention to them 2) I know to give up on a kintype when I haven’t felt it for months 3) going at it this way is educating no one. I blocked them but that’s useless, anyone can screencap my blog and tag them. I don’t feel safe in my own community.

Hi anon, I’m sorry you’re feeling uncomfortable. Try to cheer up though, because the blog in question hasn’t been active in 2 months and the…