You would be (chararcter)hearted, or say (character) is my hearttype.
You’d say “my hearttype is”, or “I’m fictionhearted of”
A hearttype is to fictionhearted/otherhearted as kintype is to fictionkin/otherkin. Hearttype is what you feel linked to as a -hearted person.
I think the tags mostly in use are synpath and fictonhearted and/or hearttype. You can also use the tag alterhuman!
new word: alternormal Alternormal adjective denoting events, experiences or phenomena (such as shifts, anomalous memories, phantom/astral limbs, headmates, soulbonding, unexplained urges and feelings, etc) that…
Hey there anon. 🙂 Fictionkin is the right term if you believe you ARE this character. Fictionhearted is the right term if you share traits/the…
I’m so glad! I think its important to have words to describe all different kinds of feelings.
(Pt2) and since I’d be them in that universe I get their memories in this one?? Is there a name for this?? Anon, this is…
I don’t really know. I wouldn’t think so, but the mind is good at manufacturing memories.
Fictionhearted people don’t necessarily have memories, and don’t necessarily have a ‘that’s me’ type reaction to their hearttype (though many do). You might want to also…
I don’t think there’s any upper limit on hearttypes? and organizing hearttypes might be logical!
(2) and just completely ignore my actual self.. so do you think i’m fictionhearted ?.. I can’t comment on your mental illnesses/symptoms. However, disregarding them,…
Fictionhearted: Someone with a strong emotional or spiritual connection to any fictional character or fictional species, without believing that they are that character or species.…
I think that sounds like a hearttype to me, but I’d definitely like others opinions. I know my own hearttype effects me emotionally a lot.…