Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me if fictionkin involves fictional species/characters of your own creation? For example, if you created a species, or character, and felt kin to it, would that be fictionkin or otherkin? So far I’ve mostly seen fictionkin being for pre-existing characters or species in media created by someone else. But otherkin also sometimes seems to be only for Earth animals and not fantasy-based creatures. Could you clear this up?

Kintypes that involve species of your own creation can be considered otherkin or fictionkin, depending on your presence and who you’re talking to. But otherkin…

I think I may be only fictionkin, but up until a little while ago I thought I was a therian as well. My best friend is a theriomythic, and also fictionkin, and I don’t know how to explain I think I’m not a therian anymore? I’m afraid he’ll think I’m mucking him around and not taking enough time to think about these things (when, in reality, I do, because this was my worst fear). How do I tell him?

If your friend is seriously therian, then he should applaud you for having the introspection and self-understanding necessary to know when you were wrong about…

I sort of have a problem? I think I’m otherkin, in addition to my fictionkin-ness. There’s these weird weights on my back and tailbone, and my mind keeps saying ‘don’t sit there, you’ll cramp your wings’, or I’ll involuntarily sit in a weird position so I don’t hurt my tail. I’m not sure, though.

It sounds like you have some phantom/astral limbs anon! They may or may not be related to a kintype. (sometimes limbs like these are related…

Is it bad to sort of not like being fictionkin/otherkin, and rather just be a polytherian? I don’t really like the culture and stuff around fictionkin/otherkin, especially on tumblr. Plus, therian seems easier to explain (just being therian, because I am a polytherian), and it sucks more because I have a psychological kintype. Is this bad? Any advice?

I can’t really blame you for not wanting to associate with the community and culture of otherkin/fictionkin, anon. However, what I can say is what…

My best friend doesn’t generally identify as kin. He doesn’t keep a kin blog, and he doesn’t, generally, write about his experience of being outside…

Is it normal/common to be shifted nearly every day? I had a short mental shift yesterday and a longer phantom shift today into my fictotype, and most days I feel phantom body parts (but usually it’s cat-like ears or bird-like wings (but not both) that I feel, which are not a part of any kintype I know of, I only know of one so far). I’m not sure if this is the best place to ask, so sorry if it isn’t. Thanks in advance ~N.

Asking whats normal or not in the alterhuman community is a mixed bag. In my *personal* experience, I tend to shift a lot, and more…

My question is are mental shifts a ‘kin thing or a system thing? I thought (from what I’ve read elsewhere) a mental shift is the same as what Tumblr refers to as “kin feels”-feeling extremely connected to your kintype’s mentality or memories for a short time. I also thought “fronting” was the system equivalent (although a lot stronger, like switching the driver in a carpool so to speak). Tumblr has messed up my understanding of terminology elsewhere and I wasn’t sure if it did here, too.

Ahhh, I see. Simple enough, In fact, you’re entirely correct. Shifting is an Otherkin term (specifically originating in the Therian / Were community I believe)…