Kintypes that involve species of your own creation can be considered otherkin or fictionkin, depending on your presence and who you’re talking to. But otherkin…
@youredoingkinwrong @alterhumanism @liongoatsnake @who-is-page @muninn-the-raven @rottenpeachblossoms @jeshire-katt @hallowedbone Note: some of these are personal blogs with high kin/therian content special tumblr note: There are simply the…
If your friend is seriously therian, then he should applaud you for having the introspection and self-understanding necessary to know when you were wrong about…
It sounds like you have some phantom/astral limbs anon! They may or may not be related to a kintype. (sometimes limbs like these are related…
Thanks for the input, anon!
I think its different for each therian? I’m not really sure. Maybe we can get some feedback here.
I can’t really blame you for not wanting to associate with the community and culture of otherkin/fictionkin, anon. However, what I can say is what…
My best friend doesn’t generally identify as kin. He doesn’t keep a kin blog, and he doesn’t, generally, write about his experience of being outside…
Thanks for the input anon! Its looking like this is pretty common!
That’s interesting, anon! I don’t know if its common or not, but it doesn’t sound out of the realm of possibility. Does anyone else have…
Asking whats normal or not in the alterhuman community is a mixed bag. In my *personal* experience, I tend to shift a lot, and more…
Ahhh, I see. Simple enough, In fact, you’re entirely correct. Shifting is an Otherkin term (specifically originating in the Therian / Were community I believe)…