Here’s a strange thought I’ve had lately: do you think it’s possible for someone to be fictionkin, but for their fictionkin past life to have happened on this plane of reality? Let’s say, for example, someone was kin of a Watership Down character. Could someone have had a life as a rabbit that reflected–from the rabbit’s perspective–a story very similar to what was depicted in the book? It’s hard to expand on this in an ask box, but maybe you understand what I’m getting at. Thoughts?

I don’t personally believe that would make someone fictionkin though my beliefs are not the only say in the matter! Your specific example sounds to…

(First of all, apologies if I already asked this, I can’t remember) but what is your opinion on people who are kin with fictionalized version of real people (Hamilton kin for example)? Would it be considered factkin? Is it even possible or “okay”, so to speak, to have kin feelings for these characters?

I don’t really have an ‘opinion’, in a strong way. My feeling is that if you’re from a fictionalized version of history, yes you’re probably fictionkin. …

Hi this is factkin anon! So I told my partner who my kintype is (Im still uncomfortable saying that) and the person I miss. I mentioned that my partner is my mirror system- well we also mirror each others kintypes. Idk if there’s a word for that but yeah, turns out theyre factkin too, and the person I was missing so much. They were just waiting for me to accept myself and tell them. Im just really happy and relieved and wanted to update you, if that’s okay! tysm for listening to me all the time!

I am so glad that worked out! When you said you had a mirror system I had a hunch it would.

Factkin anon again, thank you for your help! My fiance is my mirror system, but I haven’t told them that I’m factkin, as I’m pretty ashamed of it. My biggest issue with soulbonding with the person I miss is that I couldn’t bear to keep him a secret from my fiance. They wouldn’t judge me, and in fact know I’m factkin but not with who, but I’m so uncomfortable with myself that I believe my partner wouldn’t accept it either.

Hey anon. I understand how self conscious you are about this whole thing. Its a shitty situation to be in. I think what you need…

Hey uh, this is the factkin anon. I usually handle missing someone by bringing them here as a soulbond, as I also have fictotypes. But uh… I’m in my factotype shift and I wouldn’t be at all comfortable having the person I miss in my system. But I miss him so bad it physically hurts, and I don’t know what to do about it. Inducing other shifts is difficult for me and I don’t trust my system members not to blab about why I’m upset if I have one front. They’re good people, I’m just a bit paranoid.

That sounds like a really complicated situation, anon. I’m not sure what advice to give you here. Missing people is really, really hard. But its…

Do you think there’s anything problematic about being ‘facthearted’, aka fictionhearted with an actual person? Like, I don’t feel that I’m currently/ever was him, but he does seem like an ideal version of me, like who I’d be if I had total freedom of expression, you know? Or maybe there’s a different term for that which I’m not aware of?

I don’t know if there’s a specific word for it (facthearted seems fine?), but honestly there is nothing wrong with seeing a celebrity and feeling…

Seeing all these people saying they’re afraid to be factkin makes me want to ask: is it okay to be uncomfortable about them? I wouldn’t go around harassing them, making blatant posts on why they should or shouldn’t exist, and besides being uncomfortable with them, I’m a bit indifferent to the entire thing. Is that okay?

Its okay to be uncomfortable with factkin, as long as you’re not harassing or badmouthing them. Remember too that some people are uncomfortable with fictionkin…

I’m factkin but very very very very secretly (this is my first time admitting it at all anywhere to anyone) and i can completely understand why people uncomfortable with us, and those people being assholes isn’t helping at all. I don’t know of any places i could talk about my experiences without being judged, but tbh there’s a reason for that. Lots of reasons, which you already covered. I wish other factkin understood that too

Thank you for writing, anon. 🙂 I feel for you, I really do. Having to deal with being factkin must suck way more than being…

I’m going to be so livid if that network blog deletes because of some bad seeds in the Personakin and Factkin community. They seem really nice and made something I haven’t seen before to help the community it really boils my blood that Factkin and Personakin with their already bad reputation would think harassing someone is the proper response to someone being uncomfortable with them.

I agree with you anon, it’ll be a shame if they delete, especially because a) a nework catalog is actually pretty useful b) its probably…

idk if this is the right place to go to for something like this but I just started following this brand new blog that catalogs kin networks (networkcatalog). the problem is they’re getting harassed really hard by factkin and personakin right now and I’m scared because I think they’re low on spoons that they’ll do something bad to themself. could you and your followers send them some love maybe?

I don’t normally post these kinds of things, but harassment fucking pisses me off.  If there’s anybody who wants to send @networkcatalog their warmth and…

Hey, I was wondering if you might be able to help me out with something. I know you specialize on fictionkin but… recently a person told me that they are factkin with me. Not as a joke like some people’s “I’m factkin with this” sort of thing but actually legit factkin with me. And it really has me freaking out a bit and scared because I have a very unstable sense of identity so it really ran me through a loop. How can I cope with this? What should I do? Any advice appreciated!

Hi there, anon. I’m sorry that it took me 40 minutes to answer this ask, since I was on lunch as normally this is the…