Isn’t fictionhearted feeling a familial relationship to that character? I’m not fictionhearted myself, but I am dragonhearted and I describe that as seeing the dragon spirits around me as my true family. So, wouldn’t fictionhearted be less of “I want to be that” and more of “I feel that character is very close to me”?

It can be a familial connection, but it also can be feeling like you empathize so much with that character that you feel like you ‘are’…

Hi! I’m new to the community and have a humble little blog about my synpaths. I know some people prefer to have kin stuff tagged- does the same go for synpaths and fictionhearts? If so, what should I tag it as? When should I tag it (as in, what kind of topics relating to this should be tagged)? Sorry, not exactly a fictionkin question but I don’t wanna scare off any potential fictionkin friends with my blog!

I think the tags mostly in use are synpath and fictonhearted and/or hearttype. You can also use the tag alterhuman!

ok so every time I see fanart or someone talking about a certain character I get really (it’s hard to explain how I get actually but kinda?? I feel a lot if that makes? I feel a lot about this character) but I don’t think I’m kin or anything with them? actually I don’t know, but like is there anything to explain that? sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask

You might be fictionhearted, or a synpath. 🙂 Fictionhearted: Someone with a strong emotional or spiritual connection to any fictional character or fictional species, without…

part 1/2 Do you think its possible for hearted people to have..memories from their hearttype? It sounds weird but I have no other idea how to put it. I’m Peridot-hearted (I used to think I was kin, and this was back in that time) and I had a vision when I was handing a paper to my teacher. I had a vision of being the the spaceship as seen in Steven Universe. The hallways were a green-ish color, to my left was a window full of stars. I was in the form of a Peridot, I had holding staff

2/2 or something behind my back, I was going to bestow it upon someone. It lasted less than a second before I was escorted back…

new word: alternormal Alternormal adjective denoting events, experiences or phenomena (such as shifts, anomalous memories, phantom/astral limbs, headmates, soulbonding, unexplained urges and feelings, etc) that…

hi! could you elaborate a bit more on where the line between fictionkin and fictionhearted lies? i only ask because there’s a character that resonates with me quite deeply, and a lot of our base traits are the same, but i also sorta have my own identity and personality beyond him. so i’m puzzling over what the right term is.

Hey there anon. 🙂 Fictionkin is the right term if you believe you ARE this character. Fictionhearted is the right term if you share traits/the…

I want to say thanks for bringing the term “fiction-hearted” to light. I have a headmate who closely associates with a character, but doesn’t identify as *being* the character–he’s not a fictive. When he and I discovered the term “fiction-hearted”, it turned out to describe his feelings PERFECTLY. We’re both grateful to finally have a word to explain what he’s feeling!

I’m so glad! I think its important to have words to describe all different kinds of feelings.

I recently started crawling into the skin of a canon character that I roleplay, but in my normal life. I’ve realized how comfortable it is for me, and that I’ve done this all my life, just haven’t had anyone support it since I was a child. I have feelings from him needing contact with his friends (provided by some of my friends), and feel wonderful when people call me his name. But I’m not sure I’m kin. I feel more like this character came out of me, rather than me coming from them. (1 of 2)

(2/2) He developed from my interest in him, he hasn’t necessarily been there all my life in his current form. But I also did not…

Can you help me convince myself I’m not kin? I don’t think I am but a part of me still wants to hold onto the belief and search for feelings I’m not sure are there. I haven’t felt most of the “common kin feelings” that you list. Plus I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret.

I donno, anon, I’m not big on repressing feelings, especially if they keep popping up. However, just wanting to be kin (searching for feelings that…

i think i may be fictionhearted but i’m not entirely sure? especially because the character i think i am fictionheart/ed (?) with is my own OC… i have a really deep connection to him (that isn’t romantic or sexual or anything) and i have a rlly strong desire to be him.. also i’m a maladaptive daydreamer and this OC is my ‘idealised self’. i have avpd and saw that self-deserting behaviour is common, which i do, and i sort of feel like i’m constantly trying to ‘role play’ almost as my OC (1)

(2) and just completely ignore my actual self.. so do you think i’m fictionhearted ?.. I can’t comment on your mental illnesses/symptoms. However, disregarding them,…

“partially as” anon: what is a hearttype? I’ve never heard that before. With me it’s a persistent feeling that I’m nonhuman (currently going with fey but not 100% sold) that’s been around for a long time, but it comes and goes so I don’t really relate to a lot of people who say that they feel like they’re currently not human and they’re really a fairy wandering around in the human world. I am human, and the part that feels nonhuman is just a part of me, I guess. It’s not always important

Hearttype is to fictionhearted/otherhearted as kintype is to fictionkin/otherkin. As for the rest of your ask, that sounds like an interesting experience, anon. I’m not…

Not fictionkin related, but is there a word for feeling like a /part/ of you is something, but not necessarily the whole of you? I know otherhearted is a thing, but that’s always defined as identifying with something, not as, whereas this is more identifying partially as something, but not wholly? IDK I might just be imagining it but I would kind of like to know

Hearttype might cover it? Like maybe call it a minor hearttype or partial hearttype? Or synpath if you’re just relating to a part of their…

i use fictional characters as like a way to figure out who i am?? like, finding a character who’s like me in a way makes me very happy! i wouldn’t even mind if someone called me that charas name as like a nickname! but sometimes i wonder if anyone else does this? i think its just a Teen Thing but idk i wanna know what you think??

I think that’s a pretty normal thing, and that’s not bad! Characters are meant to touch us, and make us empathize with them. 🙂 If…

well, i have a question. there’s one character i feel really close to, i don’t have any memories tho. i don’t feel like i’m emulating them in purpose (looked at fictionhearted, nor do i feel the need to. really feels like me, but somehow also not? or not anymore? i’m confused. i don’t exactly miss anyone, but it somehow also feels right. well, as much as it can, me being kin to the original canon of the character. (the character i’m talking about is an au version) is there something for this??

I can’t tell you what your feelings mean, I’m afraid, anon. You’ll have to take time and do more introspection. To me it sounds like…