What are fictionkin? Fictionkin; (noun): A person who discovers that they have in some way inherited the soul/spirit/complete mentality of a fictional character, and the…

Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their same world. Is that still fictionkin? Is there a word for “I identify as that kind, but not that individual”? Also, is there a word for identifying as a fictional animal species? Is that fictionkin or therian?

Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their…

Sorry if this is a weird question but what’s the “acceptable” amount of time before you consider yourself kin with a character? What’s always happened to me is if I saw a movie for the first time or something I would see a character I really liked+identified w/ and I would just be like “ME THAT’S ME” but I don’t know if that’s a common/normal thing?

Often when people are discovering that they are kin they feel an instinctive ‘that’s me’ tug with a character but don’t know how to explain it.…

i have traumatic kin memories involving war, but i feel bad for even mentioning i have them, especially since its from a war that also happened in this world. i feel like if i talk about how bad it was or how it hurts me, ill get shut down and told not to be disrespectful, which i understand but, that doesnt make the pain any better :/

Anon, I understand. That’s a tough position to be in. I think that you should be able to talk about and express these experiences and…

I don’t want to assert my experiences as more important than anyone else’s, but I have a confession… it sometimes bothers me how many people seem to be “having fun” with being kin, when being kin has been deeply intertwined with a lot of emotional/mental health problems for me. The flashbacks that lead to my awakening were traumatic, and came on as a result of unrelated trauma. I can’t even do anything relating to “my” canon without feeling a surge of anxiety shoot through my body. (cont)…

…(cont). I don’t understand why my experience has to be so negative when many other people appear to not be nearly as impacted by being…

Felix, I get really embarrassed about being kin. I’m otherkin and fictionkin and I always see people making fun of them and I feel really bad. I want to suppress how I feel but I know I’ve already tried to do that and it didn’t work. I just wish I could be more comfortable being kin. Do you have any advice for dealing with feeling ashamed of being kin?

Hey anon, I hear you. I feel the same way sometimes. Its hard to be treated as strange, annoying, stupid, etc, and all the things…

The more I think about anti-kin, the sadder the whole thing becomes for me. 90% of them hate kin because they think we’re delusional, meaning they hate people who are mentally ill and need to take it out on people they think can’t fight back. The other 10% hate us because they think we’re “special snowflakes”, as if they’re personally, deeply threatened by someone else thinking they’re special, that’s… really pathetic. Anti-kin is literally just bigotry and insecurity wrapped up together.

Yep, that’s absolutely true, anon.

I’m factkin but very very very very secretly (this is my first time admitting it at all anywhere to anyone) and i can completely understand why people uncomfortable with us, and those people being assholes isn’t helping at all. I don’t know of any places i could talk about my experiences without being judged, but tbh there’s a reason for that. Lots of reasons, which you already covered. I wish other factkin understood that too

Thank you for writing, anon. 🙂 I feel for you, I really do. Having to deal with being factkin must suck way more than being…

What are kinfeels?

Kinfeels are: strong feelings experienced in reaction to exposure to one’s kintype or possible kintype. (including nostalgia, homesickness, dysphoria, grief, excitement, longing,anomalous physical feelings, etc.)…

I’ve noticed there’s a breed of self-proclaimed kin who don’t fit any of the standard definitions. They’re not fake, or trolls, but they’re not spiritual/psychological kin, nor are they synpath or copinglink. They take on “kin” identities for the sake of aesthetic, IE that girl who claimed to be “cupcakekin” (she wasn’t a troll). Can we come up with a new name for these individuals?

I think that falls best under the heading of “non-kin IDs”.