Hi! I’m new to the community and have a humble little blog about my synpaths. I know some people prefer to have kin stuff tagged- does the same go for synpaths and fictionhearts? If so, what should I tag it as? When should I tag it (as in, what kind of topics relating to this should be tagged)? Sorry, not exactly a fictionkin question but I don’t wanna scare off any potential fictionkin friends with my blog!

I think the tags mostly in use are synpath and fictonhearted and/or hearttype. You can also use the tag alterhuman!

ok so every time I see fanart or someone talking about a certain character I get really (it’s hard to explain how I get actually but kinda?? I feel a lot if that makes? I feel a lot about this character) but I don’t think I’m kin or anything with them? actually I don’t know, but like is there anything to explain that? sorry if this is the wrong blog to ask

You might be fictionhearted, or a synpath. 🙂 Fictionhearted: Someone with a strong emotional or spiritual connection to any fictional character or fictional species, without…

new word: alternormal Alternormal adjective denoting events, experiences or phenomena (such as shifts, anomalous memories, phantom/astral limbs, headmates, soulbonding, unexplained urges and feelings, etc) that…

I have one character that I am kin with, and I also have a synpath. But lately I’ve been feeling shifts for the synpath, particularly the urge to talk like them. This feels a bit odd, since he’s VERY different from both me and my kintype. Not unpleasant, just odd. And I was wondering what this means. I still don’t feel like I am him. But lately he’s been talking through me more than normal. What exactly could this mean? And should he be handled any differently than my kintype?

That;s very interesting, anon. I don’t really have an experience with synpath shifts. Maybe someone else who has can answer your question better? However, your…

Not fictionkin related, but is there a word for feeling like a /part/ of you is something, but not necessarily the whole of you? I know otherhearted is a thing, but that’s always defined as identifying with something, not as, whereas this is more identifying partially as something, but not wholly? IDK I might just be imagining it but I would kind of like to know

Hearttype might cover it? Like maybe call it a minor hearttype or partial hearttype? Or synpath if you’re just relating to a part of their…

i use fictional characters as like a way to figure out who i am?? like, finding a character who’s like me in a way makes me very happy! i wouldn’t even mind if someone called me that charas name as like a nickname! but sometimes i wonder if anyone else does this? i think its just a Teen Thing but idk i wanna know what you think??

I think that’s a pretty normal thing, and that’s not bad! Characters are meant to touch us, and make us empathize with them. 🙂 If…

well, i have a question. there’s one character i feel really close to, i don’t have any memories tho. i don’t feel like i’m emulating them in purpose (looked at fictionhearted, nor do i feel the need to. really feels like me, but somehow also not? or not anymore? i’m confused. i don’t exactly miss anyone, but it somehow also feels right. well, as much as it can, me being kin to the original canon of the character. (the character i’m talking about is an au version) is there something for this??

I can’t tell you what your feelings mean, I’m afraid, anon. You’ll have to take time and do more introspection. To me it sounds like…

ive been looking around but i cant seem to find any information on it, is there a form of fictionkin where its not like an alternate reality or any memories, but given the same situation as a character you wouldve been exactly like them? ive been relating a lot to a few characters and im questioning if thats kin or just relating way more than average. (sorry if this is phrased weird)

I’m not sure. This sounds a little like a synpath or a hearttype to me? What do my followers think?

I saw a term recently that I thought would be helpful for the community as a whole. For characters that you relate to intensely/exemplify your personality and aesthetic in this life but are not kin with I have seem people call them Aesthetic Characters. It’s different from Comfort Characters in that while comfort characters bring comfort these characters are just kind of like pointing and going “same!”

That sounds like an awesome term. Thanks, anon!

what if, for example, one looks deep within themselves and finds that they are literally, without a doubt a character? what if there are no memories, or feeling homesick or something? is that something else? also, is there like a requirement for a synpath? like, does it need to be a v strong connection? i know characters are made to be relatable and thats why im asking. thank you for your time!

Firstly, I can’t tell you if you’re kin or not, only you can do that. However, if you’re not experiencing any homesickness, memories, image/species dysphoria,…

I very strongly resonate with a character, but I don’t really understand yet what it means to be kin with one or if the feelings I have can be counted as being kin. I don’t consider myself to BE said character in any different timeline or reality, but I do very much feel a deep connection to them. Would it be okay to ask for some advice?

Hey anon, I’m happy to help. Since you don’t consider yourself to BE this character, then the connection you’re looking to describe wouldn’t be called…

i’m sorry to bother you, i was just wondering if i can get your advice. i think i may be kin with usagi tsukino, but i don’t have any specific memories yet. i’ve tried to write it off as just a synpath or being fiction hearted, but the feelings are just too strong for that. do you have any ideas of how to move forward or a name to give this to make it clearer? it’s been more than a month now, and the feeling won’t go away.

Well, lets see what I can help you with here. Thankfully I happen to be a Sailor Moon expert 😉 First of all, lets dispel…

I don’t talk about it much, but besides being fictionkin I’m also: Otherhearted- Corvidhearted, since I was 10. I consider crows and ravens a personal…

So I’m a little confused. I have characters and animals/creatures who are not Soulbonds or Kin but who do mean a great deal to me. However their backgrounds/lives have little to no similarity to my own. Does this still make me Fiction-/Otherhearted and they my Synpaths, or is this just Feels and [whatever the acceptable term is for a white person’s spiritual animal guide, if there is one]?

You don’t have to have the same traits as someone/something to be other/fictionhearted with them. I’m not sure whether they’d count as synpaths or not,…

Does anyone know of a word currently or previously in use that describes the combined fictionkin/ otherkin/ otherhearted/ fictionhearted/ synpath/ fictive/ soulbond community, or any…

Hi there. There is a character I really relate to and connected to pretty much instantly. I know I have a strong connection to him, and a strong understanding of him, but I’m not sure if he is a kin of mine. I don’t have memories though and I feel like thats a big indicator of being fictionkin. How do I know if I’m kin to him or if I just relate to him strongly?

First of all, you’ll need to take your time. Even with an instant reaction, it can take weeks, months, or even years to truly understand…

whats the definition for -hearted? some say it means choosing to identify as [x] but others use it like having a synpath where it means just a strong connection or relating to it. i think it would be more useful to have it mean choosing to id, since synpath works fine for the other definition

I agree with you, somewhat, but I’ll let others come forward and give their definitions of fiction-hearted vs synpath for you. I’m not the clearest…