Most memories are far from coherent. In order, or even fragmentary visual recall is probably what we think of most intuitively as ‘memories’ but those are…
Its been tried. Its never stuck. Partially because no one with the programming/database knowhow has had a go at it.
I’ve updated the FAQ to include most/all of the information that was previously on my website, since I haven’t had the funds to bring that…
I have no idea whether its ‘normal’ or not, but being kin isn’t normal either. I would say there’s nothing inherently unhealthy or ‘wrong’ with occasionally feeling…
I think most people talk about visual memories because they are the easiest to talk about. Humans are a very visual species. I don’t think…
Otherkind and Fictionkind are being used by people who believe that the meanings of otherkin and fictionkin have become so distorted, flexible and muddled that…
I’ve never seen ‘otherkind’ and ‘fictionkind’ before! Does it hold a different meaning from ‘kin? Why is it being used now? And how, grammatically, do…
‘Source material’ is one way to refer to ‘canon’. AKA the story that one’s fictionkin self is portrayed in. I’m Vriska, so my ‘source material’ is homestuck.
That’s a good question. I’m not sure what the accepted answer is. @hallowedbone any insight?