Hey! I really like your blog and I’ve been following for a while. I was wondering if you had any advice on soulbonding? I feel as though I’m ‘soulbonding’ with a few characters..but I’m doing it without trying? Do you think its possible to soulbond and not even know it? I feel as though Latios (the Pokemon) is with me. Is there a way to know if you truly are soulbonding these characters? Thank you and again, love your blog <3

It is absolutely possible to soulbond without knowing it, and in fact its very normal and natural for many people it occurs to. For me, and those that I discovered soulbonding with, it was just something that happened to us spontaneously, that we struggled to understand.

Many people are natural soulbonders, and find that people/characters just pop into (and out of) their minds without their own effort (or even consent). None of the bonds that I have no are ones that I specifically sought out– they just started speaking to me one day. Most of them were in fact, surprised to be here. Julian in particular, was distressed.

I include soulbonding guides on how to contact characters for those who are looking for someone specific, and for those whom it has not yet happened to naturally and are looking to experience it.

And thank you so much <3

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