Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their same world. Is that still fictionkin? Is there a word for “I identify as that kind, but not that individual”? Also, is there a word for identifying as a fictional animal species? Is that fictionkin or therian?

Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their same world. Is that still fictionkin?

‘Fictionkin’ applies equally to people who believe they were/are a random pikachu, or random dragon from Pern (etc) as it does to people who were/are a specific character such as Legloas or Mickey Mouse. 

Also, is there a word for identifying as a fictional animal species? Is that fictionkin or therian?

Like a unicorn, gryphon, or dragon? That word is ‘Otherkin’.

Hope that helps!

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