I have a confession. I absolutely hate talking about a kintype I’m questioning while I’m actively questioning it. Afterward, when all’s said and done and…
Two things–, no, three. First, the best way to get over being self-conscious/upset about “too many” kintypes, is the same way to get over anything that…
Hey there anon! Thanks for the good vibes 😀 right back atcha. As someone with at least one immortal kintype I’ve examined this question a…
Not really! I think all of us as kin go through longer or shorter periods of wanting to modify our appearance to more resemble our…
Not stupid questions! Here’s some info that should help you. http://fromfiction.tumblr.com/Experience http://fromfiction.tumblr.com/howtoknow
1. Yes, there is no gender, age, race, or other barrier on kintypes. I would say that a significant number if not a majority of…
Hey there anon. Your ask is no bother, and I hope I can help. I will be honest, I am not very familiar with BPD…
You definitely shouldn’t confirm a kinytype until you know something about the character.
I absolutely believe that’s possible. I think we all get ‘insight dumps’ sometimes.
Even those “good” and “allowable” kintypes are batshit to people outside of the community. Exactly, anon. In my worldview, thanks to multiverse theory, there’s just…
Is there a word for identifying as a fictional species, or fictional race of beings? Not one that was in canon, but someone from their…
If you’re happy together, there is no reason to let your past relationship effect your relationship here and now. You may have been siblings before,…
Please do not take this response as a criticism of your feelings or emotional connections. What you are feeling is completely valid and awesome, the…
If you mean that the Cecil you remember being was female, and canon Cecil is male– many of us kin experience large differences between the…
Honestly, confirming a kintype with limited content is hard. Really hard. It takes a lot of thought and reflection, and honestly, it takes personal confidence.…
Often when people are discovering that they are kin they feel an instinctive ‘that’s me’ tug with a character but don’t know how to explain it.…
I don’t personally believe that would make someone fictionkin though my beliefs are not the only say in the matter! Your specific example sounds to…
I know what you mean but please don’t use the term ‘fandom’ in conjunction with being kin. Source/canon/media/fiction work better. Yes, its possible under certain circumstances…
I donno, anon. I see a lot of hate for a couple of my kintypes (Vriska and Pearl). I won’t lie, it hurts every time.…
Generally no, actual kintypes don’t fade away. However, its possible that you got enough closure by meeting the person you missed that the kintype is…
It happens, occasionally, for various reasons. If you’re a spiritual person, sometimes people get born in the same body for one reason or another. Or…
Its hard to admit one is wrong, anon. I’ve been there, honestly. When I was younger there was this character that I really *wanted* to…
Absolutely. They’re not mutually exclusive as far as I’m aware. Though fictionflickers may make it hard to tell when something is an actual kintype or…
Yes, absolutely. In point of fact you can’t be ‘otherkin for the fun of it’, you’re just pretending to be otherkin. Actually being otherkin includes experiencing…
Kintypes aren’t separate or semi-separate people. While someone with multiple kintypes may have shifts where they feel closer to that kintype whether physically or mentally,…
Any kin who won’t accept you for having three kintypes (that you’ve put thought into and can justify) are probably elitist snobs and you should…
Thank you for asking so respectfully, its really appreciated. The truth is that everyone who is kin has a slightly different theory for how it…
That;s true, but I’ve found that trying to ignore them once they have decided to keep poking your brain just drives you to distraction.I tried…
A primary kintype is whichever of your known kintypes you feel closest to, so that’s up to you.
There definitely aren’t any rules for that kind of thing, anon. Its something you’ll have to feel out on your own. Any conclusion you come…
Not weird at all, anon. Its likely your OCs were based on subconscious memories and feelings about your kintype/s.
It absolutely is, anon. Its normal and healthy to question and doubt yourself sometimes, just as long as it doesn’t become a fixation.
The problem with “ID” as a term is that it doesn’t have a set definition and means different things to different people. Some people who are…
I don’ see why not, anon. As a fan of X-Men I can imagine universes where Angel considers himself angelkin/seraphkin even.
So do I, anon. So do I. It really depends on the person. If someone talks about IDs and primary kintypes and such, I’d ask…
Hey there anon! I’m going to share the contents of a couple of my previous articles with you, (link) (link) How to Find your Kintype…
The only “good reason” you need to identify as kin is that you experience things that make you feel like you are your kintype.
Maybe this article can help you. (link)
I don’t know if its common, but but it doesn’t sound out of the realm of possibility. Lots of things can cause shifts and focusing…
You’re wording is perfect! 🙂 http://fictionkin.net/fictionkin/how-to-find-your-kintype/ this is probably the best info I have for you. You can also check these tags! (link) (link)