Anonymous asked:I apologize if I sound ignorant since I’m new to this but what are your thoughts on those who have no kin memories? I…

A Collection of Early 2000s SoulBonding links

From around 2001-2006ish The final version of what was one of the most complete soulbonding resources The only essay missing from the above version another…

hey! i have a really.. weird question? at least it seems to be weird because nobody’s been able to answer me- i was wondering if there’s a way to stop being self conscious/upset about the number of kintypes i have? i’m kin with quite a number of things, mostly fictionkin.. and kinsidering quite a number more. i’m really self conscious about it so i was wondering if there was advice to not be.. that? thank you for reading and answering if you do!! i hope you have a lovely day!!

Two things–, no, three. First, the best way to get over being self-conscious/upset about “too many” kintypes, is the same way to get over anything that…

shadowfae: angelic-polar-fox: shadowfae: otherkin-shitposting: Ok, so, FICTIONKIN: My friend and I were talking about this over the course of the week and came to this…

palephouka: Back to make my monthly ‘you can’t choose what you’re kin with’ post.If you choose what you’re kin with, it ain’t kin. Might be…

A popular youtube channel has made a lengthy video about “The final fantasy house”, so expect more trolling activity than usual in the soulbonding and otherkin…

As someone with DID, I am asking you to take ‘fictive’ out of your ‘alterhuman’ definition. Please. It feels really disrespectful of my disorder and the clinical words we use pertaining to it. These are for alters only and do not belong under the ‘alterhuman’ umbrella. We have our own words for those, fictive is one word we use for an alter with traits/name/experiences of a fictional character, introject is another. This is very disconcerting as someone who needs this word to stay clinical.

Fictive was a word coined by the alterhuman/soulbonding/endogenic community. The clinical word is fictional introject. confirmation: LINK see the 4th paragraph of this answer.