i have traumatic kin memories involving war, but i feel bad for even mentioning i have them, especially since its from a war that also happened in this world. i feel like if i talk about how bad it was or how it hurts me, ill get shut down and told not to be disrespectful, which i understand but, that doesnt make the pain any better :/

Anon, I understand. That’s a tough position to be in. I think that you should be able to talk about and express these experiences and…

I don’t want to assert my experiences as more important than anyone else’s, but I have a confession… it sometimes bothers me how many people seem to be “having fun” with being kin, when being kin has been deeply intertwined with a lot of emotional/mental health problems for me. The flashbacks that lead to my awakening were traumatic, and came on as a result of unrelated trauma. I can’t even do anything relating to “my” canon without feeling a surge of anxiety shoot through my body. (cont)…

…(cont). I don’t understand why my experience has to be so negative when many other people appear to not be nearly as impacted by being…

Felix, I get really embarrassed about being kin. I’m otherkin and fictionkin and I always see people making fun of them and I feel really bad. I want to suppress how I feel but I know I’ve already tried to do that and it didn’t work. I just wish I could be more comfortable being kin. Do you have any advice for dealing with feeling ashamed of being kin?

Hey anon, I hear you. I feel the same way sometimes. Its hard to be treated as strange, annoying, stupid, etc, and all the things…

i’m questioning fictionkin at the moment; is it okay to know that if you were x character it was a long time ago and to be okay in your own body? i mean the character is a human so i’m not expecting dysphoria but like i don’t feel discomfort about being alive now it’s more just like since i found this character i’ve found part of me, like a lost memory? idk it’s all weird

Its absolutely okay, anon ^^ For some people body stuff is not as big of a deal as for other people. Some people experience heavy…

This is the most respectful video explanation of kin and fictionkin that I’ve seen yet. I hope everybody takes a minute to watch this, and…

I think this is gonna be part of a longer ask, I’m sorry. I actually had a hunch of my kintype for a few months now but I never really “did” anything with it. It was just a thing that existed and I never bothered to dig deeper but then I met a friend from canon and he told me about the stuff like memories and all that and I dediced to dig deeper and now I am really confused about my identity for a few days?? Like, I know who I am in some way. I could recite my whole life when asked (1/?)

(2/?) And I don’t miss any memories from the past days or experience any changes in my personality. But I feel a lot more like…

1: Hey, Felix. I was wondering if you could help me sort out something? For the past few months, I’ve been having trouble understanding the finer mechanics behind my sense of self. While I DO put stock into the multiverse theory, I don’t feel that who I am belongs exclusively to a past life. I feel like I am who I am NOW, and I was also who I am in EVERY universe. In a past life, in the present life, and in the future. How do I reconcile being who I am both in present day and in the past? Most

2: everyone who subscribes to the multiverse theory refers to their identity as a past life. Past tense. I WAS, or I USED to. But…

hey I have a question I’m kinda scared to ask… I’m fickin and I have two kintypes and my s/o is fickin and he has 20+ … When I first met him he had 10+ and that was chill, I’m understand ppl w/ multiple kintypes! But now every time he watches a new anime/ tv show/etc… He finds a new kintype which he identifies right away. How do I tell him nicely maybe he needs to think about some of his kintypes more and what having them means?? Most of all from animes he just started (part 1)

(Part 2) idk how to say this nicely.. I understand having multiple kintypes but he has 20+ and I feel like they kind of… Lose…

Hi! I hope it’s OK to ask this (and that it hasn’t been asked before – if so, I apologize) but I’ve been wondering for a while now. When I’ve come across some of the blogs of fictionkin, they will have a page listing their kintypes and saying that others with the same kintype can’t follow them/talk to them/etc. Would you mind telling me why that is? (just curious)

Hey there. Its always okay to ask a question, and honestly, most of the questions I’m asked have been asked before (like this one). The…

So I recently discovered that I might be kin with someone and now I’m trying to recover memories from “my canon”. The problem is that in canon I suffered from PTSD due to severe trauma and I also do now from trauma that happened a few years ago. Could it now be that I will never be able to access those memories from my canon because of the trauma that my brain is trying to block out?

It could be that you won’t– and possibly that’s for the best. If your mind is protecting you from something its for a reason. However,…

Sorry to bother you, but I have a bit of a dilemma. I have memories I know I can access, but I’m not sure if I should. As far as I can tell, I may have witnessed the death of someone I loved–every time I come across anything in the fandom that even references that person’s death, I start feeling really panicked and upset. I think I may have blocked out the memories on purpose. … I think I held him in my arms as he died. Should I try and look into this or am I better off not knowing?

Ouch, anon, I’m saddened to hear that. :/ Honestly, the thing about bad memories is they tend to be the ones that come whether you…

How should one go about coming to terms with having a kintype that they consider embarrassing, strange, ridiculous, etc.? I’m not sure if you’ve answered this before, and I’m sorry if you have, but I’ve been struggling with “beating myself up” (for the lack of a better phrase) over having a kintype and it’s not really fun.. (Sorry if this is worded poorly. Don’t really know how to put it, haha.)

Oof, its a struggle, anon. I have seen some people with really conventionally ‘embarrassing’ kintypes. Donald Duck, and Thomas the Tank Engine are the most recent.…

Can memories come more… idk.. passively? Like, I don’t usually dream at all at night unless I have a fever, but sometimes I think of something that just feels.. right. Like, when it comes to mind it’s just so overwhelmingly real, like any other memory, and… I dunno, it just feels like it really happened.

Absolutely. Not all memories come in dreams and not all are extremely vivid or concrete. Sometimes you just *know* something. Its weird.

I’ve finally accepted that I might be kin and… tbh I find it comforting? Like, I’m terrified of death, especially the idea that my consciousness will stop existing altogether. Getting flashes of emotion and memory from what might be a past life makes it seem less terrifying. If I can recall a past life like that, it means somewhere down the line a different me might be able to access the memories of now. The current me won’t just fade into nonexistence.

I know how you feel, anon. Its comforting to me for the same reason ^^

Do you ever just think of something and it sounds like it could be a memory, so you write it down but when you think about it later, it just doesn’t feel right? Also, story/random ideas and memories, ever mix them up? I sort of just started contemplating the thought that I’m fictionkin and it’s still early, but it feels right, but I’ve always made up stories in my head and… well it’s confusing.

Unfortunately, sorting out what are really memories and what aren’t can be really confusing, especially when you’re starting out. Its a process that takes time,…

Is it possible to have kin memories without realizing they’re memories? I’m pretty sure I’m fictionkin, and there’s this character I made up that I accidently made very similar in some ways to a character I think I’m kin of, and was without knowing these things about that character. They have similar species, similar names, similar personalities, similar lives, etc. I made up my character in November 2015, I didn’t know anything except the species of the character I’m kin of until Dec/Jan 15/16

Its absolutely possible to not recognize memories for what they are. And its especially easy to mix memories into fictional ideas when you’re writing/

I’m questioning a kintype right now, but I only have a few memories which are vague in nature, a vague feeling of homesickness for the universe the character comes from and feelings of guilt and responsibility for one of the characters dying and another being severely injured. Would you say that this still counts as a kintype, or do you think it’s something else?

Its certainly enough to continue questioning if you are this kintype if not enough to outright confirm it. Honestly, if you have memories (however vague)…