Otherkind and Fictionkind are being used by people who believe that the meanings of otherkin and fictionkin have become so distorted, flexible and muddled that…
Huh. Well, good to know. Shame about that.
@youredoingkinwrong @alterhumanism @liongoatsnake @who-is-page @muninn-the-raven @rottenpeachblossoms @jeshire-katt @hallowedbone Note: some of these are personal blogs with high kin/therian content special tumblr note: There are simply the…
Soulbonders are mentally connected with someone from another world- usually a fictional character. You hear their voice in your head during the day, and sometimes…
I think its “____ is my synpath”, or “I’m ____ synpath” but I’m not positive.
Thank YOU so much anon. I try my best to be helpful, and especially patient. I’ve come to really understand that no one is born…
Fictionkin fits just fine, though you can use fatedkin if you like I suppose? Kin understand themselves in a myriad of ways, and not all…
You definitely shouldn’t confirm a kinytype until you know something about the character.
In the absence of having kin memories (including the simple ‘that feels right/that feels wrong’ kind), there’s no reason to assume it went differently. Sometimes they…
I know that feeling anon. There is a certain very famous anime that I have been avoiding for a long time because I’m worried it…
If you are comfortable and familiar with tarot cards and often read them for yourself, this can be a good tool to *help* confirm a…
I’ve never seen ‘otherkind’ and ‘fictionkind’ before! Does it hold a different meaning from ‘kin? Why is it being used now? And how, grammatically, do…
It’s Official: Otherkin DO Real alterhumanism: According to an Otherkin News tweet on February 25th, the word ‘otherkin’ was added to the Oxford Dictionary, possibly…
howlingatthedarkness: Don’t you miss being able to go home? No, not the place you currently reside– But the place your soul was born from? The…
‘Source material’ is one way to refer to ‘canon’. AKA the story that one’s fictionkin self is portrayed in. I’m Vriska, so my ‘source material’ is homestuck.
hallowedbone: obligatorycoffee: hallowedbone: fromfiction: That’s a good question. I’m not sure what the accepted answer is. @hallowedbone any insight? I was musing about that. Something…
That’s a good question. I’m not sure what the accepted answer is. @hallowedbone any insight?
Sadly, it went down in January, and I haven’t been able to pay to put it back up yet. (I have received one small donation,…
hallowedbone: “tumblr is 10!” what a good day to remind the world that the fictionkind community is still older than that
fightingproud: I’m just thinking about that anti-otherkin argument that goes “well if otherkin really exist how come no one thinks they’re an insect or a…
What they say: “Otherkin should be locked up.” What they mean: “I hate the thought of having mentally ill people near me. Also, everything I…
girlrobot: please please don’t believe anyone who claims they can help you grow wings or can p-shift. these people are often involved in cult-like groups…
jeshire-katt: That’s basically my theory, nonnie. If I had to really guess, I’d say they started being conflated like that a long while after “otherkin” had…
jeshire-katt: hallowedbone: northernfortress: why is one of the most prominent mentally ill tumblr communities so toxic and staining why do you guys make it such…
Daily reminder that as cool as divination is, it is a very bad method of determining kintypes and kin memories.
hallowedbone: Yong Soo Repeats Himself A Lot, or, Why You Should Really Stop Using “Identifies As 20 Anime Characters” As A Basis Of Disbelief. We…
shadowfae: Just an FYI to those who aren’t as good with this sort of stuff: @gorekin is a troll. They are a really obvious troll,…
queen-of-carrion: I was in philosophy class today and the professor told us to close our eyes, then said “unicorn”.She then told us to open our…
miniar: water-wyvern: Why does it even matter what word is used to describe your experience? If your experience doesn’t fit under the definition of otherkin,…
Hooboy. Uh, I started using the word collective to avoid “system” syscourse. If people are taking issue with that too, I don’t really know what to…