Systems may be ‘fine’ with the term ‘fictive’ but its not a DID/OSDD term. The medical term is ‘fictional introjects’. I clarify this because I have had DID/OSDD…
I think they’re entitled to their opinion, but they shouldn’t be telling other people what they can believe. I personally believe that all kin have…
The only “good reason” you need to identify as kin is that you experience things that make you feel like you are your kintype.
For those curious, the post in question reads: friendly reminder that – u cant b otherkin/therian if u r white, u can only b fictionkin…
Maybe this article can help you. (link)
Then you don’t have memories. Memories don’t make the kin. However, as you go through life you may find that you do get memories. I’ve…
A copinglink is a voluntarily created identity, a kintype is inherent and involuntary.
Spiritual kin believe that kin exist because of spiritual reasons (reincarnation, doubled souls, multiple universes, etc). Psychological kin believe that kin exist because of mental…
I find that positive visualization is the best way to deal with phantom pain or any other kinds of troublesome non-physical sensation. For example, if…
I don’t know if its common, but but it doesn’t sound out of the realm of possibility. Lots of things can cause shifts and focusing…
I don’t think its pointless, anon, I think that;s very interesting! Its very possible that as your kinself you had a different way of processing…
You’re wording is perfect! 🙂 this is probably the best info I have for you. You can also check these tags! (link) (link)
I think that falls best under the heading of “non-kin IDs”.
I think if you have a good relation ship with your dad, and if he believes in the general concepts of infinity and past lives,…
Those can be tough, anon! Coming from a noisy household myself, I sympathize. Have you tried meditating with music or binaural beats? Or at night…
eeveelutionsforequality: In the nature of the last thing about fictionkin I reblogged, let me go on about of a shpeal. Being fictionkin does not give…
Your wording is fine, anon. 🙂 And I’m going to go with a solid ‘probably, maybe’. Sorry if that’s not helpful. ^^::
Tell them to go take a walk, anon. Memories aren’t a *requirement* for any type of kin, psychological or spiritual. As long as you experience…
My best friend doesn’t generally identify as kin. He doesn’t keep a kin blog, and he doesn’t, generally, write about his experience of being outside…
Good to hear personal experiences, anon! 🙂
@vagabondwyrm just sent me a link relevant to those with interests in strange kinfoods, carnivores esspecially. Its food that MOVES on your plate, and…
I’m sorry, anon. I know where ever he is, he misses you too. And its my belief that one day, in this life or another,…
Thanks for sharing, anon 🙂
Just so everyone knows I’m having an absolute flood of asks tonight, so don’t be upset if it takes me a few minutes/hours to get…
Hi anon, I’ve never made a copinglink identity, but here’s how I would go about it if I was going to. People who are or…
Yep that can totally happen, anon ^^. Anyone else have this experience?
The human mind can construct all sorts of experiences with practice. Its very likely that at least some copinglinkers could construct the experience of astral…
Fictionhearted: Someone with a strong emotional or spiritual connection to any fictional character or fictional species, without believing that they are that character or species.…
That sounds great, anon! Thanks and please do send us a link when you create it!
Alterhuman: A member of the nonhuman/otherworldly community. Anyone who identifies as, or is connected to, a non-human, or as someone or something from or connected…
Absolutely. You could theoretically be otherkin/fictionkin, a soulbonder, a copinglinker, other/fictionhearted, and have a synpath. And none of them would conflict.
Unfortunately I don’t know any good, dedicated copinglink blogs. If anybody knows some, please reblog or send an ask with the url! In the meantime,…
Yes, its entirely possible, unfortunately, to feel like you’re kin but never find your exact kintype. I don’t know how common this is however.
Hey there. Otherkin/fiction identities and copinglink identities are completely seperate. There’s nothing stopping you from creating a copinglink identity for yourself if you think it…
seriousotherkin: I’ve explained basic meditation before, but in the context of talking to individual people about their own journey and introspection, so what I’m gonna…
Thank you so much for the compliment. I really appreciate it, and I do my best to spread good information. I’ve had my share of…