Have you seen the blog racistkin? I like outside opinions as well, so what do you think about that? Not a single post I read on there actually said how being kin outside your race actually hurts poc. None of these posts seem to understand the concept of reincarnation either. I want these concepts covered by the blog because they are giant holes in their reasoning. I’m neither here not there on the issue yet, more information is needed.

I’m pretty sure i have the blog @racistkin blocked, and I advise everyone else do the same. They don’t understand what they’re talking about and…

I just saw a post saying I couldn’t have a certain kintype unless I had the exact same disability they had because I wouldn’t understand their experience. The thing is that the character is a CAT and I very obviously don’t experience being a cat right now either :/ the logic in those types of posts seems faulty

The logic in those posts is completely non-existent, anon, and you can feel free to ignore them. The very basis of being kin is about…

Saying “you can’t be kin outside of your race” is actually stupidly racist. What about people of races that have no, or very little, fictional representation? They’re not allowed to be kin, or what? Only white/black/Asian people are permitted to be a part of the community, I guess. Everybody who isn’t white/Asian is forced to identify with a narrow scope of characters that are often one-note or badly written because racism fucking exists in the media. Yeah, that’s not marginalizing.

Totally agree with you, anon.

royalls: “You can’t be kin with characters outside of your race” Translation: “All White characters are made for only White people, all Black characters are…

hi! idk where to go for this question. i’m japanese and have usually identified with jpns anime characters, but the anime character i’m considering identifying with atm is white (he’s english). i feel really weird abt this, because i understand the racism behind white ppl and poc identifying outside of their race, but since he’s white… i dont know. i dont think it makes a difference that the source is japanese, but im still concerned and i’d rather not id with him if it’s bad!

Hi there, friend. I’m sorry that you’re feeling weird and uncomfortable. I hope that my answer can make you feel better. Please don’t take anything…

Hello! I really hope this is okay to ask this here… I have no one else to go to and I’ve been having a really hard time with trying to deny and suppress these kin feels I have been getting, Because from what I have heard a lot of people say it is very wrong, and impossible to be kin with a character who is physically disabled if you irl are able bodied. Could I get some of your thoughts on this? At least just go easy on me if you feel the same as others I have seen ;;; thank you!

I am so sorry that you are being harassed this way. It is absolutely possible for you, or anyone else, disabled or able bodied, to…

What people say: “You can’t be kin of a non-white person if you are white!” What it sounds like they’re saying: “It is empirically impossible…

you could say that person was holding a prejudiced viewpoint. but not a racist one, in such a situation. and while you might think your views are completely separate from your race, gender, etc, consider that all of these things affect the way you think on a subconscious level?? These things all affect your opinions. (I don’t even disagree with you on the argument you made. Just don’t like the way you handled that anon.)

That’s fair, anon. I agree, the person was prejudiced, and probably not actively racist. I chose my wording carefully, to make them think about what…