if you’re fictionkin/fiction-hearted with a character, personally wise, you wouldn’t have to be exactly like them right? So, for example, say you’re fictionkin/fiction-hearted with a character who acts calmly about mostly everything and goes about things with ease, but you on the other hand act the opposite way. Could you still be fictionkin/fiction-hearted with them?

This deserves a longer answer, but to be frank, Ive touched on it many times before, and its late, and I’m going to bed in a few minutes. I’ll probably write a more detailed answer tomorrow.

The short answer, anon, is no.  You don’t have to be exactly like the person you’re kin/hearted of.

For fictionkin: Your kin identity is a part of you, but its not ALL of who you are. I often link a kinself to a five year old self. You’re never going to be quite who you were when you were five, again. You’ve grown and changed, been shaped by new and different experiences. Your basic personality probably remains the same, but also probably expresses itself in different ways than it used to. Some people are more similar, some people are less. All kin are like their kinselves to greater or lesser degrees.

For fiction-hearted: Being fiction-hearted is about striving to be like and emulate a character whom you feel a connection with. You probably try to be like them in a lot of ways, but at the end of the day, you’re your own person, with similarities and differences. No one should judge you for not being 100% another person, even if you strive to emulate them.

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